Golf Day
Hosted at the Cotswold Downs magnificent 18-hole Championship signature golf course which boasts world class putting surfaces and the untainted beauty of the Cotswold Downs Golf Course is undeniable…
Job Shadow Day
“Makhaotse, Narasimulu & Associates proudly hosted our annual “CESA Job Shadow Day” at our Westville, Durban offices. The initiative was created by the Consulting Engineers of South Africa (CESA)…
Team Building
To keep the team growing and energized Makhaotse, Narasimulu & Associates hosts an annual Team building session. The Ushaka Challenge team build is an on-site adventure challenge which is a cross…
Nelson Mandela Day
“A man dedicated to human kind, to our country and to all her inhabitants, friend and foe, animal and human; he stood for equality throughout his life” As is every year, it is part of the Social…
Social Events
Our employees from the various branches occasionally step away from their busy schedules, to take part in various events organised by affiliated companies. Makhaotse,…
Community Chest
By Partnering with the Community Chest we are able to reach out annually to nearly 300, 000 adults and children through our Community Impact Partners working in the areas of Education,…
Makhaotse, Narasimulu & Associates ETHOS
We strive to use the synergy of our available human resources, technologies and strategic partnerships to ensure the delivery of the best value for money and sustainable projects to our Clients.